June 2024 branch meeting and AGM

Join us at 7.30pm on Tuesday, June 18, 2024, for the next meeting of NUJ NL.

This month we ask is press freedom in the Netherlands under threat with the accession of a radical populist right-wing government that aims to hike BTW and cut public broadcasting? We look especially at the BTW campaign .

This is also our annual general meeting so we will be taking stock, electing our new branch officers and planning for the year ahead. Why not volunteer to help run the branch as it prepares for the NUJ Delegate Meeting in Blackpool next April.

Come and join us for a lively discussion at De Cooperatie on Tolstraat 160 in Amsterdam. (Click here for information about the location and directions – Google maps). A Zoom link has also been sent to members so you can have your say where ever you are.

Agenda June branch meeting and AGM

  1. Present.
  2. Apologies.
  3. Minutes from previous meeting (22nd May).
  4. Election of branch officers. Please consider putting yourself forward
    for a role in the branch.
  5. Plans for coming year, including Delegate Meeting
  6. Branch recruitment
  7. Finance update
  8. Launch of Schrijversvijlig platform in NL
  9. Update on anti-SLAPPS legislation in UK
  10. Debate: Is press freedom in the Netherlands under threat, given the
    new government’s plan to hike BTW and cut public broadcasting? We
    look especially at the BTW campaign
  11. AOB
  12. Date of summer social

May 2024 branch meeting

Join us at 7.30pm on Wednesday, May 22, 2024, for the next meeting of NUJ NL.

At this month’s meeting we’ll be celebrating and debating World Press Freedom Day.

Come and join us for a lively discussion at De Cooperatie on Tolstraat 160 in Amsterdam. (Click here for information about the location and directions – Google maps). We will also provide a link to an online platform so you can have your say where ever you are in the Netherlands.

Agenda Wednesday 22nd May 2024

1. Present.

2. Apologies.

3. Minutes from previous meeting (20th March 2024).

4. Reports from officers.

-Report back from NEC on the decision to leave the European Federation of Journalists (EFJ).

-Editor of the Journalism up again for election, plus vacancies on NUJ bodies.

-Letter re branch funding to NUJ finance and membership director Jackie Clark.

-Branch recruitment ideas

5. World Press Freedom Day: At this month’s meeting we’ll be celebrating, and debating, World Press Freedom Day. We’ll be examining attempts to stifle journalism across Europe from Italy to Hungary, and even to the Netherlands. Our special guest is Jasmijn de Zeeuw of the Amsterdam-based Free Press Unlimited who will lead the discussion.

6. AOB

7. Date of next meeting

March 2024 branch meeting

Join us at 7.30pm on Wednesday, March 20, 2024, for the next meeting of NUJ NL.

At this month’s meeting we’ll be examining the issue of the gender pay gap and asking is it finally closing? What is your experience, and how can we level the playing field?

Come and join us for a lively discussion at De Cooperatie on Tolstraat 160 in Amsterdam. (Click here for information about the location and directions – Google maps). We will also provide a link to an online platform so you can have your say where ever you are in the Netherlands.

  1. Present.
  2. Apologies.
  3. Minutes from previous meeting.
  4. Reports from officers.
    Report on Journalist Editorial Advisory Board.
    Consultation on NUJ finances, subs etc.
    Casual Vacancies on NUJ Councils and Committee
  5. EU Media Freedom Act – update
  6. DISCUSSION: The Gender Pay Gap. Following the latest TUC analysis
    (Gender pay gap means women work first two months of the year unpaid ( Mindy
    Ran, long standing member of the NUJ’s Equality Council, will lead off our discussion on this
    issue, whether progress is being made, and what more needs to be done.
  7. AOB.
  8. Date and time of next meeting.

February 2024 branch meeting

Join us at 7.30pm on Wednesday, February 21, 2024, for the next meeting of NUJ NL

Artificial Intelligence (AI) and journalism; the end of our industry or a bright new future?

Come along, or log on, to hear NUJ President and freelance photographer Natasha Hirst talk about the impact of AI on our profession. This will be followed by a general discussion on tools such as ChatGPT and other content generators.

Also, reaching out to other NUJ members working in Europe, and a tribute to investigative reporter John Pilger.

The meeting is held at De Cooperatie on Tolstraat 160 in Amsterdam (Google maps).

It is also conducted online through Zoom. The link has been emailed to all NUJ NL members in the invitation to the meeting.


  1. Present.
  2. Apologies.
  3. Minutes from previous meeting (15th November 2023).
  4. Reports from officers.
    • Report on NEC and Journalist Editorial Advisory Board.
    • Update on branch finance and expenditure.
    • Feedback and consultation on NUJ finances, subs etc.
    • Consultation on Industrial Councils and Delegate Meeting (see NUJ email February 8th).
    • Branch membership latest figures including reaching out to members in Denmark and Germany
    • Communications and Slack update.
    • Casual Vacancies on NUJ Councils and Committee
  5. AI and how it will impact our work and livelihoods.
    • We will be joined by NUJ President Natasha Hirst, freelance photographer, who will talk about how AI impacts her work, and NUJ’s response to the challenges of AI.
  6. Tribute to journalist and NUJ member John Pilger
  7. AOB.
  8. Date and time of next meeting.

November 2023 branch meeting

Join us at 7.30pm on Wednesday, November 15 for the next meeting of NUJ NL.

This month we will celebrate the life of journalist Lyra McKee, who was just 29 and on the cusp of a brilliant career when she was killed while doing her job. The inaugural Lyra McKee Lecture has been held in Belfast on the eve of International Day to End Impunity for Crimes Against Journalists. On Wednesday, the NUJ-Netherlands will welcome Kathryn Johnston, of the NUJ’s Belfast branch, who will remember her friend Lyra, and discuss her enduring legacy. 

The meeting is held at De Cooperatie on Tolstraat 160 in Amsterdam (Google maps).

It is also conducted online through Zoom. The link has been emailed to all NUJ NL members in the invitation to the meeting.


  1. Present.
  2. Apologies.
  3. Minutes from previous meeting.
  4. Reports from branch officers: Israel/Hamas War – report of Brussels branch
    hosting of Palestinian journalist; Ukraine update; Finance report.
  5. Communications and website update
  6. NUJ action: End Impunity Now for Crimes Against Journalist day/UK Action Plan to
    protect journalists;
  7. Lyra McKee: This month, we celebrate the life of Belfast journalist Lyra McKee, who was
    killed doing her job. Friend and colleague Kathryn Johnston remembers her and discusses her
    legacy following the first inaugural lecture this month.
    (This item will start at 8.15pm. Other items will be moved or postponed to accommodate timing).
  8. AOB.
  9. Date and time of next meeting.

October 2023 branch meeting

Join us at 7.30pm on Wednesday, October 18 for the next meeting of NUJ NL.

This month NUJ Netherlands will discuss the safety of sports reporters covering live matches and the European Freedom Media Act.

The meeting is held at De Cooperatie on Tolstraat 160 in Amsterdam (Google maps).

The meeting is also conducted online through Zoom. The link has been emailed to all NUJ NL members in the invitation to the meeting.


  1. Present.
  2. Apologies.
  3. Minutes from previous meetings and matters arising.
  4. Reports from branch officers: National Executive Council (TS). Branch finances
    update (TS)
  5. Training proposal/recruitment (SW)
  6. Website renewal: Suggestions/options for the future.
  7. Ukraine update.
  8. European Media Freedom Act: an update on what this might mean for journalists working in the EU.
  9. MAIN DISCUSSION. Threats and security for journalists covering
    football and other sporting events in the Netherlands (MK)
    (This item will start at 8.15pm. Other items will be moved or postponed to accommodate timing).
  10. AOB.
  11. Date and time of next meeting – and for the Xmas get-together


Join us at 7.30pm on Wednesday, September 20 for the next meeting of NUJ NL.

This month NUJ Netherlands is delighted to welcome a speaker from Ukraine. The Save UA Media group will highlight the huge difficulties their colleagues face today, and how we can help.

Also on the agenda is training to understand the European Union and fighting for copyright in the world of Artificial Intelligence (AI)

The meeting is held at De Cooperatie on Tolstraat 160 in Amsterdam (Google maps).

The meeting is also conducted online through Zoom. The link has been emailed to all NUJ NL members in the invitation to the meeting.


  1. Present
  2. Apologies.
  3. Minutes from previous meeting.
  4. Reports from branch officers: Continental European Council (August) + recruitment update.
  5. Membership: Election and welcome for new branch member. Remembering long-standing former member, Bill Holdsworth.
  6. NUJ updates: AI and copyright + other news
  7. Reporting Ukraine: Representatives from the ‘Save UA Media’ group discuss the huge difficulties they and their colleagues face today and how we might help. ‘Save UA Media’ are based in Odesa and actively report from frontline locations. (This item will start at 8.15pm. Other items will be moved or postponed to accommodate timing).
  8. AOB.
  9. Date and time of next meeting.


The meeting is held at De Cooperatie on Tolstraat 160 in Amsterdam (Google maps).

The meeting is also conducted online through Zoom. The link has been emailed to all NUJ NL members in the invitation to the meeting.

  1. Present
  2. Apologies.
  3. Minutes from previous meetings.
  4. Reports from branch officers. Delegate Meeting report LB/TS. Financial report TS.
  5. Election of branch officers.
  6. Anti-Slapp law in UK.
  7. University of Amsterdam students talk.
  8. Reporting Disabilities – Daily Telegraph article – the rights and wrongs.
  9. AOB.


Join us at 7pm on Wednesday, April 12 for the next branch meeting of 2023.

This special meeting will discuss the forthcoming NUJ Delegates meeting at which the union’s policy, objectives and campaign priorities are decided.

The meeting is held at De Cooperatie on Tolstraat 160 in Amsterdam (Google maps).

The meeting is also conducted online through Zoom. The link has been emailed to all NUJ NL members in the invitation to the meeting.


  1. Present.
  2. Apologies.
  3. Minutes from previous meetings.
  4. Reports from branch officers. Tony Sheldon (TS)
    Freelance Industrial Council (FIC)
  5. Delegate Meeting Final Agenda – Discussion and
    mandating of delegate.
  6. European Federation of Journalists (EFJ) Concerns
    from Nordic group.
  7. Membership and recruitment – update
  8. Any Other Business
  9. Date and place of next meeting

Please note that the meeting starts at 7pm sharp. Members are asked to log on at least five minutes beforehand so that the meeting can begin on time.


Join us at 7.30pm on Wednesday, March 15 for the next branch meeting of 2023.

The meeting is held at De Cooperatie on Tolstraat 160 in Amsterdam (Google maps).

The meeting is also conducted online through Zoom. The link has been emailed to all NUJ NL members in the invitation to the meeting.


  1. Present/Apologies
  2. Minutes from previous meetings, matters arising.
  3. Reports from branch officers: Branch chair Tony Sheldon (TS) reports from the National Executive and Continental European Councils and update on branch finances.
  4. Recruitment: Approval of new member application and identifying any possible new recruits.
  5. Delegate Meeting April 2023: Consideration of the final agenda and mandating delegate Lyn Barton (LB) on any motions
  6. The European Convention on Human Rights: What is it and why journalists should defend it. Themed debate introduced by NEC Continental Europe member Cailin Mackenzie.
  7. Twitter: Should we still be using it?
  8. Any Other Business: Date and place of next meeting.

Please note that the meeting starts at 7.30pm sharp. Members are asked to log on at least five minutes beforehand so that the meeting can begin on time.


Join us at 7.30pm on Wednesday, February 15 for the first branch meeting of 2023.

The meeting is held at De Cooperatie on Tolstraat 160 in Amsterdam (Google maps).

The meeting is also conducted online through Zoom. The link has been emailed to all NUJ NL members in the invitation to the meeting.

1. Present.
2. Apologies.
3. Minutes from previous meetings.
4. Reports from branch officers. Report from Journalist Editorial Advisory Board (JEAB)
5. NUJ Delegate Meeting, Motions, Mandating and Delegate.
6. Law on Open Government (WOO) passed.
7. EU Late Payments Directive and Together Magazine.
8. MAIN DISCUSSION ITEM. Journalists arrested covering demos. Know your rights – themed debate.

Please note that the meeting starts at 7.30pm sharp and members are asked to log on at least five minutes beforehand.


Yes! It’s time for the NUJ Christmas social gathering!

Come and join us for a drink and borrel at Het Molenpad a short distance from Amsterdam Centraal, on Monday, December 12 from 7pm. Partners are welcome to join us to celebrate the festive season and look forward to the new year.

November branch meeting

Join us for our branch meeting on Wednesday, October 19 at 19.30.

The meeting is held at De Cooperatie on Tolstraat 160 in Amsterdam (Google maps).

The meeting is also conducted online through Zoom. If you would like to join, please contact Communications officer, Lyn Barton at by 5pm on the day of the meeting

  1. Present.
  2. Apologies.
  3. Minutes October and matters arising.
  4. Reports from branch officers. Continental
    European Council (CEC) 26.10. Plus CEC motions to
    Delegate Meeting (DM) 2023 TS.
  5. DM Netherlands Motion and delegate.
  6. Zwarte piet, London Freelance Branch article.
  7. Branch finances update TS/KM.
  8. MAIN DISCUSSION ITEM – Threats to journalists.
    Online guest speaker Peter ter Velde project leader
    Pers Veilig, plus discussion on Amsterdam Shelter
    City Programme offering safety to journalists under
    threat abroad.


Join us for our branch meeting on Wednesday, October 19 at 19.30.

The meeting is held at De Cooperatie on Tolstraat 160 in Amsterdam (Google maps).

The meeting is also conducted online through Zoom. If you would like to join, please contact Communications officer, Lyn Barton at by 5pm on the day of the meeting.

  1. Present.
  2. Apologies.
  3. Minutes from previous meetings.
  4. Reports from branch officers. Journalist Editorial
    Advisory Board (JEAB) TS
  5. Delegate Meeting April 2023 – Branch motion,
    nominations for NUJ committees and councils,
    branch delegate.
  6. Continental Europe, Freelance Rate for the Job,
    website. TS
  7. MAIN DISCUSSION ITEM – Guest speakers from
    Shelter City Programme, supporting journalists in
    dangerous locations.
    (This item will start at 8.15pm. Other items will be moved or postponed to accommodate
  8. AOB


Join us for our Branch Meeting on Wednesday, SEPTEMBER 21 at 19.30.

The meeting is held at De Cooperatie on Tolstraat 160 in Amsterdam (Google maps).

The meeting is also conducted through the platform Google Meet. A week before the meetings all members of the branch will receive an invitation to join. If you do not receive an invitation and feel you should have, please send an email to Communications officer, Lyn Barton at 


1. Present
2. Apologies
3. Minutes from previous meetings
4. Reports from branch officers
Report from NEC (TS)
5. Future branch finances (TS,KM)
6. Reply from Ukrainian Media (TS,AM)
7. Refugee Journalists – How Can We Help?
8. Chambers of Commerce – Law Change on Addresses (TS)

9. Update on NUJ national strike action in Reach Dispute – discussion on “what are we worth” upcoming pay claims. (This item will start at 8.15pm. Other items will be moved or postponed to accommodate timing).
10. AOB


Join us for our Annual General Branch Meeting on Wednesday, June 29 at 19.30.

This month NUJ Netherlands’ annual meeting looks back and what we’ve achieved, where we are headed, and with whom. Over the last 12 months, we’ve campaigned on freelance pay, post-Brexit EU working, violence against reporters, and journalists under threat in Ukraine. Come along or join us online to write the next chapter of our story.

The meeting is held at De Cooperatie on Tolstraat 160 in Amsterdam (Google maps).

The meeting is also conducted through the platform Google Meet. A week before the meetings all members of the branch will receive an invitation to join. If you do not receive an invitation and feel you should have, please send an email to Communications officer, Jens Anders Wejsmark Sorensen at 


  1. Present
  2. Apologies
  3. Minutes from previous meetings
  4. Reports from branch officers Report from NEC’s Development Committee (TS) Report from Continental European Council (TS)
  5. Election of branch officers
  6. Procedure in the transfer of communication matters (JAWS)
  7. Meeting with Bas Eickhout MEP on cross border working (TS)
  8. NVJ Freelance Fees fight with DPG (TS)
  9. AOB.


Join us for the branch meeting on Wednesday, May 18 at 19.30.

The meeting is held at De Cooperatie on Tolstraat 160 in Amsterdam (Google maps).

The meeting is also conducted through the platform Google Meet. A week before the meetings all members of the branch will receive an invitation to join. If you do not receive an invitation and feel you should have, please send an email to Communications officer, Jens Anders Wejsmark Sorensen at 


  1. Present
  2. Apologies
  3. Minutes from previous meetings
  4. Reports from branch officers
    NEC Development Committee and Journalist Editorial Advisory Board (TS)
  5. Reporters Without Borders Press Freedom Index— Netherlands slumps in ratings (TS)
  6. Ukraine contacts update. (TS)
  7. Strategic Lawsuits Against Public Participation SLAPPS, latest EU and UK action. (AM/TS)
  8. Guest speaker broadcaster, activist, and gay refugee Jermain Ndhlovu, aka Sonny Jermain.
    (This item will start at 8.15pm. Items will be moved or postponed to accommodate timing).
  9. AOB.


Join us for the branch meeting on Wednesday, April 20 at 19.30.

This month NUJ Netherlands asks “How safe are we?” following Free Press Unlimited’s report into journalists’ safety. Also, what is the future of branch communications after the launch of our new website, plus updates on the NVJ freelance test case and the Trades Union Congress (TUC) Disabled Workers Conference.


  1. Present
  2. Apologies
  3. Minutes from previous meetings
  4. Reports from branch officers Application to NUJ NL from asylum seeker SJ (TS) TUC Disabled Workers Conference (SW)
  5. Brussels-based Ukrainian journalist Ivanna Volochiy (AM)
  6. Future of NUJ NL communications
  7. NVJ test case (TS)
  8. How safe are we?
    Report of Free Press Unlimited on the safety of journalists in the Netherlands (TS/NG).
    (This item will start at 8.15pm. Items will be moved or postponed to accommodate timing).
  9. AOB

The meeting is held at De Cooperatie on Tolstraat 160 in Amsterdam (Google maps).

The meeting is also conducted through the platform Google Meet. A week before the meetings all members of the branch will receive an invitation to join. If you do not receive an invitation and feel you should have, please send an email to Communications officer, Jens Anders Wejsmark Sorensen at 


Join us on Wednesday, March 16 at 19.30 for the first face to face branch meeting of 2022. 

The meeting is held at De Cooperatie on Tolstraat 160 in Amsterdam (Google maps).

The meeting is also conducted through the platform Google Meet. A week before the meeting all members of the branch will receive an invitation to join. If you do not receive an invitation and feel you should have, please send an email to Communications officer, Jens Anders Wejsmark Sorensen at 


  1. Present
  2. Apologies
  3. Minutes from previous meetings
  4. Reports from branch officers
    Ongoing discussions regarding an application to join the branch. (TS/NG) Casual vacancies on NUJ councils (TS) Venues for future NUJ NL meetings (TS)
  5. NUJ NL new website (JAWS)
  6. Cross-border working update (TS/NG)
  7. Journalism on the front line—the war in Ukraine Group discussion on how journalists ensure that truth is not a casualty of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, and how the NUJ supports colleagues reporting from the front line. Journalists displaced from Moscow have moved to Amsterdam. (This item will start at 8.15pm. Items will be moved or postponed to accommodate timing).
  8. AOB


On Monday, February 21, your branch invites you to join the winter social at the Hotel Arena near Amsterdam’s Oosterpark from 19.30 to 22.00 (s-Gravesandestraat 55, 1092 AA).

The venue has a large covered terrace to keep some kind of social distancing.

There’s no set agenda except to meet, talk, and enjoy our community of English-speaking journalists. Partners and family are very welcome to join.


Join us on Wednesday, January 19 at 19.30 for the first branch meeting of 2022. 

The meeting is conducted through the platform Google Meet. A week before the meeting all members of the branch will receive an invitation to join. If you do not receive an invitation and feel you should have, please send an email to Communications officer, Jens Anders Wejsmark Sorensen at 


  1. Present
  2. Apologies
  3. Minutes from previous meetings
  4. Reports from branch officers
    1. Update on current membership lists. (TS)
    2. Report from the Journalist Editorial Advisory Board (TS).
    3. Update on new website (JAWS)
  5. The Journalist magazine update (TS)
  6. New hotline for journalists threatened or concerned about court visits (TS) – more information
  7. We do it because we love it..but for peanuts?
    Branch member Charlie Clemoes looks at young people joining professions they love, including journalism, but who are now facing appalling working conditions and pay.
    (This item will start at 8.15pm. Other items will be moved or postponed to accommodate timing).
  8. AOB

If you do decide to participate, we’ve rounded up ten of the best tips for more effective video conferencing: