Category: NEWS

International Women’s Day 2021

As the Equality Officer of The Netherlands’s Branch of the NUJ, I am pleased to say that women members have been increasingly active in the branch this last year, taking on new roles and contributing to lively discussions as well as taking on administrative roles. Having online meetings has benefited those with family commitments and/or…

By Admin 08/03/2021 0

Cross-border working in the European Union post Brexit

Here is the latest report to the National Executive Council from NUJ Netherlands chair Tony Sheldon and Continental European Council (CEC) chair Cailin Mackenzie who sit as a job-share on the NEC. It gives the latest position and the action the union is taking. Because the EU-UK Trade and Cooperation Agreement (TCA) wasn’t finalised until…

By Admin 02/03/2021 0

Reporting Piet in blackface; guidance from your union

Reporting current news events, involving zwarte Pieten in blackface, poses many challenges. But NUJ Netherlands and the union nationally can offer support and guidance. Last year, we took a stand on how this issue is reported and our position remains as important and relevant today. Key is our union’s professional Code of Conduct which states…

By Admin 27/11/2020 0

Brit freelances in EU to lose right to sell cross-border services?

AFTER THE transition period following Brexit ends on 1 January 2021 and the UK leaves the EU’s Single Market, UK nationals living in an EU Member State face losing the right to provide “cross border” services to another EU country.  You can read the article on The Freelance, which is the bulletin of London Freelance Branch of the National Union of…

By Admin 05/08/2020 0

TOFA – until Sunday 12 July to make a claim

Flexible workers, such as those on zero-hours contracts, who because of the corona crisis may have lost a large part of their income, but who cannot claim benefits, have until Sunday 12 July to make a claim under the government’s Temporary Bridging Scheme for Flexible Workers (TOFA) . However, there are conditions attached. These so-called…

By Admin 06/07/2020 0

Advice for NUJ members reporting on protests

NUJ members working this weekend covering the George Floyd solidarity protests need to plan accordingly and take appropriate health and safety precautions – there may be a range of people hostile to journalists. There have already been instances of journalists attacked. Carry a copy of the NUJ’s and Thompson solicitors emergency phone number in case…

By Admin 06/06/2020 0