Category: NEWS

The two types of TOZO help available to freelancers

TOZO financial support (TOZO levensonderhoud) Freelance journalists and photographers who want to apply for the Government’s special financial support as a result of the Coronavirus lock-down (TOZO) should submit their application before the 1 June. This covers the months March, April and May.  The scheme is also being extended until the end of August and, TOZO…

By Admin 28/05/2020 0

Northern Ireland unites against threats to journalists

The publishers of three Belfast-based newspapers and the National Union of Journalists (NUJ) have joined together to stand up for journalists and press freedom in Northern Ireland. This initiative has attracted local and global endorsement, involving many prominent individuals and organisations, all listed in the article on the NUJ website The public statement appears in the…

By Admin 21/05/2020 0

Covid-19 update

British freelance journalists and photographers may have left the European Union but can still apply for the Coronavirus emergency funds – TOZO – without affecting their residence status. Freelancers registered with the Chamber of Commerce and working approximately 24 hours a week have a right to apply for TOZO if their income has been affected…

By Admin 01/05/2020 0

Covid-19: Help update

These are tough days for everyone, self-employed journalists in particular, but you are not alone. Your union is there to help.  The union’s hardship fund NUJ Extra may be able to help financially.  You could try too the Authors’ Emergency Fund and The Journalists’ Charity.   Should any NUJ members, involved in critical work face, difficulties from the…

By Admin 03/04/2020 0

Journalism and Corona

With meetings banned and government advice to stay home, journalism and news gathering are shifting inside to digital media, online contacts, teleconferencing.  However, as in the UK, journalists and photographers have been designated, key workers. We have an important and responsible role to fulfill. The UK’s Secretary of State for Digital, Culture, Media, and Sport, Oliver…

By Admin 25/03/2020 0

NUJ event: Reporting Poverty

The National Union of Journalists (NUJ) has organised an event on Reporting Poverty. The round-table takes place on Saturday 7 March at the NUJ’s HQ in London’s Kings Cross (Headland House, 72 Acton Street) from 14.00-17.00. The event is being supported by Church Action on Poverty and the Joseph Rowntree Foundation. The focus for the…

By Admin 04/03/2020 0