An independent, vibrant, self-critical press is a cornerstone of democracy, and it is currently under attack from all quarters. The NUJ strives to preserve media workers’ rights, whether on the newsroom floor or in the field, freelance or salaried, all of whom toil on behalf of the public’s right to know and its desire to be informed.
The Union lobbies government and employers in defence of press freedom and acts to protect it when it comes under threat.
A strong and active union is one of the few remaining means that writers, editors, journalists and photographers have at our disposal for defending and preserving our livelihoods from the ravages of neo-liberalism. If these issues are of concern to you, please join us in the struggle for a better future.
Who we are
NUJ Netherlands is the Dutch branch of the National Union of Journalists (UK and Ireland). It is comprised of English-speaking (photo)journalists, writers, and editors living and working in Holland.
Why join NUJ
If you work in editorial, design or photography, in newspapers, magazines, books, TV, radio, public relations or new media, as a salaried staff member or on a freelance basis, the NUJ is the union for you. For a complete list of industrial sectors in which the NUJ is active, see the NUJ About page.
The many advantages of being a member of our trade union can be found on the Membership benefits page. To find out more about how the NUJ assists freelance writers or photographers, see Freelance.
You can access the archive of the Journalist to find out more about the union magazine. NUJ Informed is the regular newsletter from the National Executive Council.
An international fact-finding mission led by the Amsterdam-based Free Press Unlimited has concluded that the increased polarisation of Dutch society,...
Freelance journalists across Europe play a vital role in producing quality journalism that promotes healthy democracies and informed societies. Meanwhile,...